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electric induction furnace

Электрическая индукционная печь

Описание продукта

Информация о продукте

Electric induction furnaces are energy efficient designed to minimize power consumption while ensuring even heat distribution, guaranteeing the best results for all your metalworking jobs.
Take control of your metal melting with precise temperature regulation of your induction furnace. This furnace ensures that each product meets the highest quality standards. Whether you run a foundry, metalworking facility or manufacturing plant, this furnace becomes an integral part of increasing productivity and optimizing your metalworking workflow.

electric induction furnace

Параметры продукта

Номинальная мощность
Номинальный диапазон мощности2500КВт
Диапазон частот450Гц
Диапазон линейного напряжения575~1000В


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