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electric aluminum melting furnace

Tungku Peleburan Aluminium Listrik

Bahan Tubuh Meleleh: Aluminum Shell
Kapasitas: 0.3T-20T
Bahan Dapat Diterima: Aluminium, Scrap Aluminium
Konfigurasi: Tubuh Meleleh, Kabinet Catu Daya

Deskripsi Produk

Rincian produk

The electric aluminum melting furnace is a metal heating equipment mainly used for melting and smelting aluminum.

electric aluminum melting furnace


  1. It has high melting efficiency, good power-saving effect, compact structure, and strong overload capacity.
  2. The temperature around the furnace is low, there is less smoke and dust, and the working environment is good.
  3. The operation process is simple and the smelting operation is reliable.
  4. The metal composition is uniform.
  5. The melting temperature rises quickly, the furnace temperature is easy to control, and the production efficiency is high.

Parameter Produk

Kapasitas yang ternilai0.3T – 20T
Rentang Daya Terukur200KW – 10000KW
Rentang frekuensi700Hz – 250Hz
Rentang Tegangan Sebaris380 – 1500V


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