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copper smelting furnace

Tungku Peleburan Tembaga

Model: SGGWS
Kapasitas yang ternilai: 10T
Nilai daya: 5000 – 6000KW
Frekuensi yang Dinilai: 500Hz
Rentang Tegangan Terukur: 575V ~ 1000V
Kisaran harga: Dari 1000 Dolar Amerika

Deskripsi Produk

Rincian produk

The copper smelting furnace is characterized by high efficiency, high precision, dan keandalan, which meets the needs of industrial copper processing while ensuring quality.
Copper smelting furnace has an innovative design, strong structure, and customized capacity, which is essential equipment for copper processing plants. The furnace’s state-of-the-art control system allows operators to fine-tune and monitor key parameters to ensure optimum temperature and chemical reactions for a consistent output of high-purity copper.
Safety is paramount in the smelting process and the furnace features state-of-the-art insulation and an integrated ventilation system to reduce heat loss and emissions.
The furnace is designed to be energy efficient, not only reducing operating costs, but also complying with modern environmental standards, with sophisticated engineering ensuring minimal waste and maximum resource utilization.
copper smelting furnace
  1. lone dust cover
  2. Pembakar
  3. Panel tungku
  4. Kuk magnetis
  5. Silinder
  6. Keluarkan permata
  7. Pipa pendingin
  8. gulungan
  9. Bingkai tungku

Parameter Produk

Kapasitas yang ternilai30T
Rentang Daya Terukur12000KW
Rentang frekuensi250Hz
Rentang Tegangan Sebaris575 – 1500 V


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