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Mesin Peleburan Tembaga

Mesin Peleburan Tembaga

Deskripsi Produk

Rincian produk

Copper melting machine are designed to withstand harsh industrial environments, ensuring consistent performance day in and day out. Its adaptable design meets various copper melting requirements, including recycling copper scrap and producing specialty alloys for various applications. Precise temperature control allows you to fine-tune alloy composition to meet customer and industry-specific needs. Whether you operate a large foundry or a small metalworking shop, our copper furnaces provide the flexibility and consistency you need to excel in the competitive metalworking field. Explore possibilities and unlock new opportunities with this reliable and versatile copper melting solution.
Mesin Peleburan Tembaga

Parameter Produk

Kapasitas yang ternilai30 T
Rentang Daya Terukur12000 KW
Rentang frekuensi250 Hz
Rentang Tegangan Sebaris575 – 1500 V


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