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سخان التعريفي ذوبان المعادن

سخان التعريفي ذوبان المعادن, أفضل مصنع فرن

ذوبان مواد الجسم: شل الصلب
سعة: 300 كلغ - 20 طن
مزود الطاقة: IGBT مصدر طاقة متوسط ​​التردد
المواد مقبولة: Stainless Steel, Cast Steel, Cast Iron, نحاس, الألومنيوم, الزنك
إعدادات: ذوبان الجسم, خزانة إمداد الطاقة

وصف المنتج

وصف المنتج

Induction heater melting metal is a fascinating process used in a variety of industries. These induction furnaces use electromagnetic induction to generate heat within the metal, allowing for precise, efficient melting.

There are several advantages to using an induction furnace to smelt metal:
كفاءة: Induction heating has high efficiency, heating metal directly without heating the surrounding environment, الحد من هدر الطاقة.
الدقة والتحكم: The process provides precise temperature control, ensuring consistent melting and alloy composition.
Speed: Induction furnaces can melt metal quickly, تحسين كفاءة الإنتاج.
Clean and safe: They typically operate in a closed environment, reducing emissions and providing a safer working environment.

Induction furnace melting is used in various metal processing industries such as steel, الألومنيوم, نحاس, إلخ. These furnaces are used to melt and refine metals for use in casting, صقل, and other manufacturing processes.
As a sales manager in this field, it is crucial to understand your customersspecific needs. Factors such as the type of metal to be melted, melting capacity, كفاءة الطاقة, and automation requirements will influence the choice of induction furnaces in different industries.
Providing tailor-made solutions, comprehensive technical support and after-sales service can play a significant role in meeting customer needs and building long-term relationships.

معلمات المنتج

تصنيف القدرة 50 Kg – 60 طن
نطاق الطاقة المقدرة50 كيلوواط – 35000 كيلوواط
نطاق الترددات1000 Hz – 150 هرتز
نطاق الجهد المضمن380 الخامس - 720 الخامس / 575 الخامس - 1000 الخامس

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